Tuesday, January 5, 2016


1. The tar sands should be used before the oil shale because it has a higher EROEI. This means that we'll get a better energy return on the investment of mining, and possibly give more time for technology to develop that will allow for easier extraction of oil shale.

2. Both tar sands and oil shale must be heated at some point in order to extract the oil.

3. When oil shale is heated, it turns directly into crude oil and natural gas. Tar sands, on the other hand, create bitumen when heated, which must be refined into usable oil.

4. It will take a long time for renewable energy sources to fully replace fossil fuels as the nation's main energy source. Energy must be produced during this time. If off shore drilling were to be banned, energy companies would be forced to buy oil from outside sources in other countries. This oil could be less carbon efficient than that which could be mined from off shore drilling.

5. Say that I wanted to eat lunch one day. I have, in general, two options; I could make something for myself, or go out and buy something. Making pasta or a grilled cheese for myself isn't very difficult. I would also no longer be hungry, though I may not be terribly satisfied, as when I make food for myself, it's generally one of about four meals. Going out for lunch, on the other hand, would be somewhat difficult. I would either have to get somebody to drive me or have to drive myself. This would use up gas, and the lunch I buy will likely be more expensive than my food at home. However, I would be more satisfied with this meal, because it was made by someone else and probably tastes better than what I make, along with the general factor of variety. Staying at home costs very little energy, but only has a moderate return in terms of happiness. Going out costs a lot of energy, but also has a large happiness return. I usually end up staying home (mostly because I don't have a license anyways.)

1 comment:

  1. Interesting to factor happiness into the EROI equation. Perhaps there is aesthetic value in dining out?
